v1.0.1 (2023-11-25)


  • fix: update bugtracker link in the pyproject.toml (c1ec397)

v1.0.0 (2023-11-25)


  • chore(release): v1.0.0

Automatically generated by python-semantic-release [skip ci] (e20eb56)

  • chore: organize dependencies in pyproject (3544c14)

  • chore: updates project to poetry and fixes files for it (0a5ce67)


  • ci: update release step for poetry (e21522d)

  • ci: update code coverage setup (#34) (fc7e095)


  • docs: update docstrings in functions (9ea8759)

  • docs: update links in the badges (#36)

Closes #36. Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting (3effbb9)

  • docs: update read the docs configuration (0156323)


  • test: refactor to be in different files (#22)

Closes #22. (d93d78a)

v0.8.4 (2022-06-06)


  • chore(release): 0.8.4

Automatically generated by python-semantic-release [skip ci] (4017558)


  • ci: adds build test job to run gitlab-badges before going into main (57fc795)

  • ci: replaces badges job with non docker image process (a67709a)

  • ci: updates deps job by removing the pipen remove environment (2aba05e)


  • fix: adds flags to lists to supress warnings on python-gitlab api lists(#31) (22e246a)

  • fix: updates call to the API on issues statistics (#33)

This changes the format of the call to python-gitlab from issuesstatistcs to issues_statistics. (6289f12)

  • fix: updates dependencies, fixing python-gitlab (#31) (804d5ba)

v0.8.3 (2021-10-16)


  • chore(release): 0.8.3

Automatically generated by python-semantic-release [skip ci] (a35216f)


  • ci: fixes release problem

Includes install git and change semver execution to pipenv run. (dc70afb)

  • ci: include SAST tool

As a free feature for Gitlab, I am introducing the SAST scanning to verify for vulnerabilities ande understand how this tool works. (3bc52a9)

  • ci: adds dependencies to dev for mypy (#27)

Mypy requires dependencies to run their tests, so it was included in Pipfile as dev. (0abe582)

  • ci: removes docker images from tests and releases (#27)

With this modification, the stages on the tests uses the default dependencies job to manage dependencies. This prevents problems with changes in depedencies not being catched in CI. Also, modifies the Deps task to recreate Venv before every pipeline. (ed9968a)


  • fix: change definition of color for test result badges (#29)

This modification will output green badges if there are some skipped tests. Previously, skipped tests returned red badges.

This closes #29. (0845f4c)

  • fix: minor typo in badges test complete svg (#30)

Includes a missing white space to correctly generate a badge.

This closes #30 (82e567b)

  • fix: includes back the xmltodict (#28)

This includes the xmltodict that was wrongly removed in the previous version.

This closes #28. (57aa4bb)

v0.8.2 (2021-10-11)


  • chore(release): 0.8.2

Automatically generated by python-semantic-release [skip ci] (dbfd5d7)

  • chore: updates lock file due to dep changes

Change in deps from xmltodict to junit-parser required to update lock file. (e8b8abb)


  • ci: enables pipelines on MR events. (9b7fc36)


  • fix: bug with parsing xml without testsuites (#26)

  • Replacing xmltodict by junitparser, with replacement in Pipfile and

  • Adding relevant unit tests.

  • Adding irmo322 (Benjamin Maréchal) to contributors in (f4b621c)


  • test(static): code improvements for static tests (26124ee)

v0.8.1 (2021-09-12)


  • chore(release): 0.8.1

Automatically generated by python-semantic-release [skip ci] (aedd4df)

  • chore: enables the first version by removing the flag major on zero (e9a6ac8)

  • chore: adds issue templates (#4)

This closes #4. (a3b887b)

  • chore: includes python-semantic-release in dev deps (4bfaf52)


  • ci: fix expire in identation (48f3723)

  • ci: update badges expiration date (182c9bc)

  • ci: creates an image for static test jobs

This commit refactors the static tests stage by including a docker image for these jobs. (a2d8265)


  • docs: update docs to include asdoi projects (#24).

This closes #24. (7ffe89a)


  • fix: bug with parsing xml with one testsuite only (#25)

Includes a try except statement in case returns an error from iteration. It expects usually an array of dictionaries, but this considers when there is only a single dictionary.

This closes #25. (6be7060)

  • fix: adds incrementing func for stats tests dict (#25)

This function incrementes the test statistics dictionary that is going to be used for the create_badges_test function. It is part of the solution for issue #25. (41417d1)


  • test(unit): adds test for bug in parsing junit xml file (#25) (b957044)

  • test(unit): adds test for function tests_statistics (#25) (d0afd79)

  • test(unit): add vcrpy to mock http requests (#23)

Tests that need http requests passes through vcrpy which records the response and replay on the next iterations.

This closes #23. (a972e29)

v0.8.0 (2021-05-26)


  • chore(release): 0.8.0

Automatically generated by python-semantic-release [skip ci] (ed4310b)


  • ci: updates docker badges image to 0.7.0 (d7a52a6)


  • feat: include documentation using sphinx

The documentation is build using sphinx and published in the readthedocs website. For that, the python version was downgraded to 3.8 and all related files were changed, including Pipfile and Pipfile.lock, breaking current development environment. (6eb6b3f)

v0.7.0 (2021-05-23)


  • chore(release): 0.7.0

Automatically generated by python-semantic-release [skip ci] (9a7883a)

  • chore: adds links to pyproject.toml (7c9c430)


  • docs: update documentation to feature #13 (52d6879)


  • test(unit): adds tests for feature (#13) (bf5a488)